Thursday, November 16, 2006

Friendster Horoscope II

It's more than really dumb that I am paying attention to this right now, at a time when I have more important things to think about, however, can I just say that the horoscopes on Friendster are frighteningly on point? Today, I decide on a job for my next two years of existence. This is what Friendster had for me today:

Making decisions may be hard for you today, but this doesn't mean that you're losing your razor-sharp discernment. One explanation could be rattled confidence -- why are you doubting yourself right now? You need to give yourself a good long look in the mirror! Remind yourself that you can't stop moving forward in your life just because you've made one or two mistakes. If you can't make a choice, then just make an educated guess. You can handle the outcome -- and thrive.



Reina said...

Congrats! we'll celebrate this weekend~ q(^_^)p

Anonymous said...

true cynics don't read horoscopes.